Operation Clean Sweep is an international program that has existed for over 25 years. It is active in almost all European countries.
OCS has existed in the Netherlands since 2015 and was initially set up by the NRK in collaboration with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. The NRK participated as a participant in the global action Operation Clean Sweep. In the Netherlands, NRK and PlasticsEurope are collaborating on the program.
Join Operation Clean Sweep (OCS). Download the OCS statement and return it to the NRK. Now set a good example together with other companies. The program is intended for manufacturers of plastic products, raw material suppliers and recyclers.
You hereby declare that you make an effort to prevent litter from your company. Tidy is neat!
U verklaart zich hiermee in te spannen om zwerfafval uit uw bedrijf te voorkomen. Opgeruimd staat netjes!